Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Hanwha Eagles

Ahh... Fall, the time when mother nature gives us relief from the soggy steam-bath that Koreans call summer. This wonderful season, as everyone knows, is the best time to see a baseball game, or ya-gu as its called in  Korea.
After getting on the wrong train and sitting through nauseating bumper-to-bumper traffic, we finally made it to the stadium in Daejeon. We arrived with the intention to support the team that we were newly allied with, the Hanwha Eagles, who were facing off against the Lotte Giants of Busan.

From the American perspective, cheerleaders are reserved only for the NFL and NBA, but not in Korea!! No, the Koreans love to watch girls dance to their most beloved K-pop songs.

Here, we see a good example of the enthusiasm that Koreans have for baseball. If  you could hear this picture, you would be overwhelmed with fighting songs and the thudding of cheer sticks.

And now, we have come to the best picture of all, the one of me :) As you can see, I am drinking one of Korea's special brew, Max. The other refreshments sold at the stadium were hotdogs, fried chicken and yes, fried squid. Koreans can't go anywhere without some delicious fried squid at hand.

Enough said
The "Jumbotron"
Down the right field line

Because we arrived at the game a bit late, we were forced to stand during the whole game. I think we underestimated the Eagle-Giants rivalry.
Even though we lost 7-1, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Music, games, beer and good food... Koreans know how to have a good time, wherever they may be.


1 comment:

  1. Jess, this is awesome! I love seeing this. I bet it reminds you guys a bit of home. Not so much the Majors, but maybe Minor games. Wicked! I hope you guys go to more and take more shots!
